
Platform for Climate Smart Agriculture

An integrated agriculture platform equipped with a cutting-edge decision support system that leverages technologies like IoT, remote sensing, and AI/ML. fieldWISE emerges as the beacon of innovation, offering a comprehensive solution for climate resilient agriculture.

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Digital Farming Platform Powered by GIS, Remote Sensing, IoT, AI and MLL for Climate Change Adoption

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Farms Digitized

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Farmers Onboarded

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State Level Deployments

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Crop Models

GIS Powered Precision Agriculture Platform

Climate Smart Field Monitoring with High Quality Satellite Imagery and AI

fieldWISE empowers the agriculture ecosystem towards data-driven decisions to improve crop success rates by monitoring risks and identifying interventions in near real-time in the age of adverse climate change.

Farms produce thousands of data points on the ground daily. With the help of fieldWISE, we can now analyze a variety of things in real-time such as weather conditions, climatic risks, soil moisture, water usage, pests and diseases, crop health, and soil conditions. fieldWISE acts as one authoritative system that is scalable from the farm level to block, district, state, and country levels.

Food Security

Weather Smart

Production Focused

“From Seeds to Success -An Integrated Platform for all Farm Related Data and Decisions”


Enable various decisions that need huge data inputs, forecasted weather, and various physical characteristics, using artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms. For example, sustainable reservoir operations, irrigation planning, water conservation planning, minimizing floods, water cascades, etc.

fieldWISE - Product Suite

Custom Products to Serve Farmers, Enterprises, Agriculture Offices and Government

Know your Field

Leverage GIS, AI-based boundary detection, and advanced ML algorithms for accurate farm boundary mapping, yield estimation, and real-time field weather updates. 

Grow More

Optimize field resources and improve your farm yield. Leverage advanced analytics to receive field-level advisory on crop selection, sowing, fertilizer use, and irrigation.

Monitor your Fields

Use integrated technology to monitor crucial farm parameters, including crop classification and monitoring, yield prediction, and harvest assessment.

Simplify Data Collection

A mobile app dedicated to field-level crop survey and information with location based automated field selection, featuring specialized interfaces for both farmers and surveyors.

Earn More

Maximize your field’s output with tailored insights on optimal harvest timing, market conditions, and access to a storage locator and connection service for enhanced profitability.

Protect Better

Proactively protect your field against pest, disease and extreme weather with timely alerts and recommendations based on weather, crop type and growth stage.

Assess your Risk

Receive reliable risk assessments for droughts, cyclones, floods, and field productivity to make informed decisions in financial investments and insurance.

Speak to fieldRISHI

Access instant updates, insights and alerts from the Gen-AI enbaled conversational chatbot that provides agriculture advisory from all integrated fieldWISE products

Why fieldWISE?

India's First Integrated Agriculture Database and Climate Smart Decision Support System

Quick and Scalable Deployment

Rapid and scalable deployment for immediate impact, scalable right from individual household level to block, county, state and country level.

No-code/Low-code Platform

Easily customisable platform requiring no coding knowledge. Easy one click integrations and plug and play modules.

Data Ready

Our platform offers a seamless integration of diverse data sources, enabling a unified environment where information from IoT sensors, satellite imagery, SCADA systems, and more can be harmoniously combined.

Tech on Cloud

Harnessing the power of cloud technology for efficient and flexible water management.

Team Enablement

Empowering clients with ease in capacity building to ensure smooth adoption and utilization.

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