Digital Twin of Rivers and Reservoirs Operation Optimization and Planning

Leverage a powerful web-enabled simulation tool that integrates data from multiple sources to run sophisticated optimization models for rivers and reservoirs. Minimize flood risks while maximizing overall water system efficiency with physics-driven simulations and economic optimization.

Plug and Play Modules Powered by aquaWISE

Explore various year-ahead "what-if" scenarios and adjust existing models and constraints based on real-time conditions and future projections of supply and demand. Actionable dashboards and daily schedules provide immediate insights to support efficient and effective decision-making.

Inflow Forecasting

Predict inflow to reservoirs using hydrological models that account for weather forecasts and watershed conditions.

Operations & Planning

Manage water storage and release to meet various needs, including flood control, irrigation, and hydropower ensuring optimal water use, risk mitigation, long-term resource sustainability.

Reservoir Simulation & Optimization

Simulate and optimize reservoir operations with year-ahead simulations & MIMIC views with water balance models and advanced algorithms to meet multiple objectives like flood control and water supply.

River Flow & Flood Forecasting

Anticipate river flow changes and potential flooding events with predictive models and early warning systems.

Decision Support System

Empower decision-makers with tools for scenario analysis, what-if simulations, and visual dashboards.

Inter-basin Transfers

Monitor the water movement from one river basin to another to address water scarcity or meet demand in the receiving basin to help balance water resources, support regional development, and mitigate the impacts of droughts or shortages.

Sectoral Water Demand Analysis

Assess water requirements across several sectors to optimize reservoir management and ensure equitable distribution with efficient water allocation decisions.

Irrigation Planning & Management

Optimize water releases for irrigation by forecasting demand and scheduling distribution based on crop needs.

Individual Asset Insights

Drill down to individual pumps and assets level to analyze their health and performance.

Hydropower Generation Optimization

Maximize energy production while balancing reservoir levels with predictive energy forecasting and scheduling.

Mobile Applications

Access real-time data, monitor operations, and update field data via mobile devices for greater flexibility.

Know More About aquaWISE

Explore Climate technology solution with Vassar Labs – Pioneers in technology platform for effecient water managemnet, precision agriculture, smart city services, energy and disaster

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